SAFETY COMMITTEE Lead chairperson: Jakema DyeNotifies and educates Association members on all matters related to personal safety and safety of property, and serves as liaison between the Lomond Association and the Shaker Heights Police Department. Assists with coordinating safety-related informational events such as: Cookies w/Cops, fire station tours, Q & A sessions of community interest, etc.
PROGRAMMING COMMITTEELead chairperson: OPEN Write to if interested!Formulates and coordinates social and special activities that are sponsored by the Association. Committee members assist with planning, shopping, recruiting and leading volunteers in hosting events such as: movie nights, ice cream socials, Easter egg hunts, bicycle parades, wine and cheese socials, etc.
BEAUTIFICATION & PRESERVATION COMMITTEE Lead chairperson: David ThalWorks to enhance the aesthetic quality and the historic character of the Lomond Area on both public and private property. Includes promoting donations for flower basket fund, ordering and submitting invoices for payment. Other activities include planning plant sharing events, neighborhood clean-ups, special public art events, etc.
ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Lead chairperson: OPEN Write to if interested!Works to recruit new leaders and organizes and conducts the elections of Association officers, in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the bylaws.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Lead chairperson: OPEN Write to if interested!Promotes association membership at external events. Greet attendees at association meetings and events. Explains meeting sign-in, membership and communication processes. Explains association dues process as needed. Follow up with new members and attendees.